
CPN Blog

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Jess MacKenzie is a writer and photographer hailing from New Zealand. She's interested in the environment, wildlife and ways of living more sustainably. Her professional background is in copy writing, communications and marketing.  Find out more on her website, or join her on InstagramFacebook and Twitter.


DIY toothbrushing - without plastic.

DIY toothbrushing - without plastic.
I recently started making my own toothpaste. It's satisfying. And it fills me with the energy of The Toothbrushing Song we used to sing at primary school. There's nothing quite like using something you've made yourself, especially when it does the job well. And if it's better for the planet than how you did it before, that's even more gratifyi...
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11189 Hits

Get involved with our plastic diaries.

Get involved with our plastic diaries.
​At the ​moment, plastic accounts for about 10% of waste produce​d by humans, and 50% of the plastic we use we only use once. In the UK, most families will throw away 40kg of plastic in a year which could otherwise be recycled. In the US, the average person will throw away plastic weighing about 600 times their own body weight throughout their life...
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10076 Hits

680 tonnes of tiny, toxic bits of plastic.

680 tonnes of tiny, toxic bits of plastic.
Those gritty bits in our body wash and face scrub are a problem, and we've known it for a long time. Finally, it's looking like the UK might be able to ban one of the biggest ocean pollutants - and one that, actually, could be relatively easy to get rid of. Microbeads need to stop.The House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee put out a report ...
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9927 Hits

Every person is a piece of the continent.

Every person is a piece of the continent.
If you walk just a few hundred meters from the CPN headquarters, above the line of the trees, you can see the ocean. It's the Sea of the Hebrides, just east of the Atlantic Ocean, and it completely surrounds the 30 square kilometres we call home. On a clear day from a high enough vantage you can see not only the mainland of Scotland stretched out l...
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