We take a big picture view of pollution to research, educate and collaborate on solutions for a cleaner planet today.

Pollution is changing our planet and impacting our lives. We've all got a part to play in reducing the problem.
years for plastic bottles to degrade
percent of plastic isn't recycled
million tonnes of plastic produced annually
billion people who can help

CPN Blog

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DIY toothbrushing - without plastic.

DIY toothbrushing - without plastic.
I recently started making my own toothpaste. It's satisfying. And it fills me with the energy of The Toothbrushing Song we used to sing at primary school. There's nothing quite like using something you've made yourself, especially when it does the job well. And if it's better for the planet than how you did it before, that's even more gratifyi...
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Every person is a piece of the continent.

Every person is a piece of the continent.
If you walk just a few hundred meters from the CPN headquarters, above the line of the trees, you can see the ocean. It's the Sea of the Hebrides, just east of the Atlantic Ocean, and it completely surrounds the 30 square kilometres we call home. On a clear day from a high enough vantage you can see not only the mainland of Scotland stretched out l...
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