We take a big picture view of pollution to research, educate and collaborate on solutions for a cleaner planet today.

Pollution is changing our planet and impacting our lives. We've all got a part to play in reducing the problem.
years for plastic bottles to degrade
percent of plastic isn't recycled
million tonnes of plastic produced annually
billion people who can help

CPN Blog

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UN resolution on ocean plastic

UN resolution on ocean plastic
​The UN has agreed on a resolution - that no plastic waste should enter the oceans - at all. The resolution places a (non-binding) commitment on every nation, to stop any plastic waste going into the oceans.Unfortunately, this resolution, while showing progress to solving this global issue, is non-binding, and has no schedule or timetable. Thi...
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10879 Hits

680 tonnes of tiny, toxic bits of plastic.

680 tonnes of tiny, toxic bits of plastic.
Those gritty bits in our body wash and face scrub are a problem, and we've known it for a long time. Finally, it's looking like the UK might be able to ban one of the biggest ocean pollutants - and one that, actually, could be relatively easy to get rid of. Microbeads need to stop.The House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee put out a report ...
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